Shanghai Daiyu Education Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.



DYHGDY-03CO medium temperature change unit operation training platform

Release time:2024-06-07 11:31viewed:times
  • DYHGDY-03CO medium temperature change unit operation training platform
1. Composition and characteristics of CO medium and low temperature conversion unit operation tr*ning device system
1. Frame: length*width*height: 2800*1200*2000, overall st*nless steel frame: using 38*38 and 38*25 mirror profile tubes. Fasteners: cooperate with flanges, valves, frames, st*rs, guardr*ls, brackets.
2. The system consists of CO medium and low temperature conversion unit operation tr*ning device objects. All st*nless steel equipment is subjected to st*nless steel fine polishing treatment, reflecting the process perfection of the entire device.
3. On-site intelligent instrument and electrical console: about 1650X700X1400 steel spray-p*nted piano-type structure on-site instrument and electrical console (including on-site control intelligent instrument with RS485 communication interface, embedded microcomputer position and switch position). The internal leakage protection *r switch and current leakage protector fully consider the personal safety protection; at the same time, each group of strong current output has a knob switch control to ensure the safety of the equipment and convenient operation and control; it is equipped with split-phase indicator light, switching power supply, contact relays, solid state relays, self-locking switches, plastic copper wires, rubber sheathed wires, shielded wires, aluminum alloy trunking, etc. The device can be independently measured and controlled on-site through the on-site industrial control console through intelligent instruments with RS485 communication bus + industrial control configuration software to complete various practical tr*ning projects.
4. The device can reflect the situation of the factory, try to be as close to the actual factory, and highlight the key points; it can carry out skill operation tr*ning in the aspects of device start-up preparation, start-up, normal operation, parking, equipment m*ntenance, and process indicator control operation skills tr*ning, and can also meet the requirements of chemical industry Teaching and tr*ning requirements for the tr*ning syllabus for senior workers, technicians and senior technicians in craft
majors. 2. CO medium and low temperature conversion unit operation tr*ning device functions

project Basic theory and practical tr*ning teaching of professional courses
Function 1. Understand the functions of each component of the CO medium and low temperature shift reactor, understand the structure and characteristics of the CO medium and low temperature shift reactor, and understand the working process of the CO medium and low temperature shift reactor;
2. Master the basic operations of the CO medium and low temperature shift reactor, Adjustment methods and understand the m*n influencing factors that affect the shift reaction;
3. Master the common abnormal phenomena and treatment methods of CO medium and low temperature shift reaction devices; Master the operation of CO medium and low temperature shift reaction devices;
4. Be able to use equipment and instruments correctly and conduct equipment in a timely manner , instruments, and meter m*ntenance and upkeep;
5. Learn to make preparations before driving;
6. Drive normally and operate as required to adjust to the specified value;
7. Able to grasp the operation of the equipment in a timely manner, discover at any time, make correct judgments, and make timely decisions Handle various abnormal phenomena and be able to perform emergency shutdown operations under special circumstances; be able to master modern information technology management capabilities and use computers to collect and monitor on-site data;
8. Correctly fill in production records and analyze various data in a timely manner;
9. Normal parking;
10. Understand and master the knowledge of industrial site production safety.
Practical tr*ning function Operational tr*ning content
Prepare to drive 1. Reading and presentation of process flow diagrams;
2. Be familiar with the tag numbers, functions, working principles and usage of on-site devices and m*n equipment, instruments and valves;
3. Develop operation plans as required;
4. Check whether all equipment, pipelines and valves in the process are in normal operating condition;
5. Introduce public utilities (water, electricity, steam) and ensure normal operation;
6. Power on the device and check whether the status of each instrument is normal; test run the equipment.
7. N2 purge to check the *r tightness of the device.
8. Preparation of raw materials.
drive 1. Feed the reactor as required.
2. Follow the correct driving steps and adjust each parameter to the specified value.
normal operation 1. Be familiar with the parameter values ​​required for the normal operation of CO medium and low temperature transformation.
2. Familiar with the adjustment methods of production indicators such as temperature, pressure, yield, etc.
3. Be familiar with the reaction process and be able to make timely adjustments and control of each stage of the reaction.
4. Regularly inspect various process parameters and production indicators and keep records.
5. Regularly inspect the operating status of all dynamic and static equipment and keep records.
6. Analyze product composition and calculate conversion rate and yield.
parking 1. Park according to normal parking procedures;
2. Check the status of each equipment and valves after shutdown, and make records after confirmation.
Accident handling 1. Learn to deal with the anomaly of uneven reaction temperatures.
2. Learn to observe and analyze the causes and treatment methods of abnormal phenomena such as reduced reaction speed and uncontrolled reaction temperature.
3. During the production process, other accidents that occur should be judged and dealt with at any time.
Equipment m*ntenance 1. The starting, stopping, normal operation and d*ly m*ntenance of the metering pump;
2. The structure, working principle, normal operation and m*ntenance of the medium and low temperature shift reactor;
3. The location and type of the m*n valves (flow regulating valve, back pressure valve) , structure, working principle, normal operation and m*ntenance;
4. Measurement principles of temperature, flow and pressure sensors ; normal use and m*ntenance of temperature and pressure display instruments and flow control instruments.
3. Configuration list of CO medium and low temperature conversion unit operation tr*ning device
serial number name Device parameters unit quantity Remark
1 CO medium and low temperature shift reaction tr*ning device 1. Functions of the CO medium-low temperature shift reaction tr*ning device:
1. Understand the functions of each component of the CO medium-low temperature shift reactor, understand the structure and characteristics of the CO medium-low temperature shift reactor, and understand the workflow of the CO medium-low temperature shift reactor;
2. .Master the basic operations and adjustment methods of the CO medium-low temperature shift reaction device, and understand the m*n factors affecting the shift reaction;
3. Master the common abnormal phenomena and treatment methods of the CO medium-low temperature shift reaction device; Master the operation of the CO medium-low temperature shift reaction device;
4. Be able to use equipment and instruments correctly, and perform timely m*ntenance and upkeep of equipment, instruments and instruments;
5. Learn to make preparations before driving;
6. Drive normally and operate as required to adjust to the specified value;
7. Be able to master in time Ability to detect, correctly judge and handle various abnormal phenomena in a timely manner at any time regarding the operation of equipment, and be able to perform emergency shutdown operations under special circumstances; be able to master modern information technology management capabilities and use computers to collect and monitor on-site data;
8. Correctly fill in production records , analyze various data in a timely manner;
9. Park normally;
10. Understand and master the knowledge of industrial site production safety.
2. CO medium and low temperature transformation reaction tr*ning device objects:
1. Frame: length*width*height: 2800*1200*2000, overall st*nless steel frame: using 38*38 and 38*25 mirror profile tubes. 1 set;
2. Fasteners: match the flange, valve, and frame bracket. The flange valve mounting screws use matching carbon steel screws, and the bracket mounting screws use matching galvanized anti-rust screws. (The screws all cont*n flat spring washers), 1 set;
3. Flange: matched with corresponding equipment and pipelines, 304 st*nless steel HG/T20592-2009 PLRF, 1 set;
4. Valve: matched with pipelines and equipment, 1 set;
5 .Pipeline: cooperate with equipment. Φ8-PG-01~02 process gas and process liquid pipes, Φ20-VT-03~05 dr*n pipes, Φ20-CRS-06~09 cooling pipes, ∅20-DR-01 dr*n pipes, all pipelines are 304 st*nless steel Tube. 1 set;
6.V101-N2 cylinder: standard N2 cylinder (with pressure reducing valve), 1 piece;
7.V102-CO cylinder: standard CO cylinder (with pressure reducing valve), 1 piece;
8.V103-thermal oil expansion Tank: 304 st*nless steel, φ159×250 mm (whole with insulation layer). 1 set;
9.V104-Pure water tank: 304 st*nless steel, φ350×400 mm, with dust cover, 1 set;
10.V105-1# separation tank: 304 st*nless steel, φ250×400 mm, 1 set;
11.V106 -2# separation tank: 304 st*nless steel, φ300×400 mm, 1 set;
12.V107-cooling water tank: 304 st*nless steel, 500×350×450 mm, 1 set;
13.R101-medium variable reactor: st*nless steel-copper composite , φ25-φ32×600mm, open three-stage heating furnace power 3KW; st*nless steel gas filter, st*nless steel condenser, st*nless steel gas-liquid separator; high-efficiency iron-based catalyst. Temperature control 350~500℃, 1 set;
14.R102-low variable reactor: st*nless steel-copper composite, φ25-φ32×600mm, open three-stage heating furnace power 3KW; st*nless steel gas filter, st*nless steel condenser, st*nless steel gas Liquid separator; high-efficiency copper-based catalyst. Temperature control 220~320℃, 1 unit;
15.E101-1# cooler: 304 st*nless steel, φ108×400 mm, vertical, efficient cooling, 1 unit;
16.E102-2# cooler: 304 st*nless steel, φ108× 400 mm, vertical type, high-efficiency cooling, 1 unit;
17.E103-saturator: 304 st*nless steel, φ250×400 mm, thermal oil heating (whole with insulation layer) Heating power: 6KW (380V, safety isolation), 1 unit ;
18.S101-Mixer: 304 st*nless steel, φ20×120 mm. 1 unit;
19.N101-1# purifier: standard N2 purifier, 1 unit;
20.N102-2# purifier: standard CO purifier, 1 unit;
21.N103-2# deoxygenation tank: standard CO purifier , 1 set;
22.N104-1# dryer: standard CO2 dryer, 1 set;
23.N105-1#CO2 analyzer: standard CO2 purifier, 1 set;
24.N106-2# dryer: standard CO2 Dryer, 1 set;
25.N107-2#CO2 analyzer: standard CO2 analyzer, 1 set;
26.P101-advance metering feed pump: micro plunger advection feeding pump: flow rate 0.01-5ml/min, power 0.4KW, 1 unit;
27.P102-cooling water pump: flow rate 2/min, power 0.25KW, 1 unit.
3. CO medium and low temperature transformation reaction tr*ning device sensors:
1. TT101-PT100 temperature sensor: PT100 thermal resistance, L=50mm, saturator thermal oil temperature measurement. 1 set;
2.TT102-PT100 temperature sensor: PT100 thermal resistance, L=50mm, ionized water vapor temperature measurement. 1 set;
3.TT103- K-type thermocouple temperature sensor: K-type thermocouple, Ф3×50mm, used to measure the temperature of the inner tube of the medium-range reactor. 1 set;
4. TT104- TT106-K type thermocouple temperature sensor: K-type thermocouple, Ф3×15mm, used to measure the temperature of the heating section of the medium-range reactor. 3 sets;
5.TT107- K-type thermocouple temperature sensor: K-type thermocouple, Ф3×500mm, low-variability reactor inner tube temperature measurement. 1 set;
6. TT108- TT110-K type thermocouple temperature sensor: K type thermocouple, Ф3×150mm, used for temperature measurement in the heating section of the reactor with low variation. 3 sets;
7.TT111- PT100 temperature sensor: PT100 thermal resistance, L=50mm, for measuring the material temperature at the outlet of the medium-change reactor. 1 set;
8. TT112-PT100 temperature sensor: PT100 thermal resistance, L=50mm, low-variability reactor outlet material temperature measurement. 1 set;
9.FT101-rotameter: CO flow measurement. 1 set;
10. FT102-Rota flowmeter: high-pressure rotameter, CO flow measurement. 1 set;
11. FT103-Rota flowmeter: high-pressure rotameter, N2 flow measurement. 1 set;
12.FT104-Rotameter: Mixed gas flow measurement. 1 set;
13. FT105-Rota flowmeter: high-pressure rotameter, mixed gas flow measurement. 1 set;
14. FT106-Rota flow meter: high-pressure rota flow meter, used to measure the material flow rate at the outlet of the medium variable reactor. 1 set;
15. FT107-Rota flow meter: high-pressure rota flow meter, low-variability reactor outlet material flow measurement, 1 set;
16. PI101-positive pressure pointer pressure gauge: Y50, high-pressure pointer pressure gauge, 0-1.6Mpa, N2 cylinder pressure measurement. (Combined with pressure reducing valve), 1 set;
17.PI102-Positive pressure pointer pressure gauge: Y50, high-pressure pointer pressure gauge, 0-1.6Mpa, CO cylinder pressure measurement. (Combined with pressure reducing valve), 1 set;
18.PI103-Positive pressure pointer pressure gauge: Y50, high-pressure shockproof pointer pressure gauge, 0-1.6Mpa, mixed gas pressure measurement. 1 set;
19.PI104-Positive pressure pointer pressure gauge: Y50, high-pressure shockproof pointer pressure gauge, 0-1.6Mpa, medium-variable reactor pressure measurement. 1 set;
20.PT104-pressure sensor: pressure sensor 0-1.6Mpa, medium-variable reactor pressure measurement.
21.PI105-Positive pressure pointer pressure gauge: Y50, high-pressure shockproof pointer pressure gauge, 0-1.6Mpa, low-variability reactor pressure measurement. 1 set;
22.PT105-pressure sensor: pressure sensor 0-1.6Mpa, low-variability reactor pressure measurement.
4. Instruments and instruments of CO medium and low temperature transformation reaction tr*ning device:
1. Intelligent digital display: AH70, 6 units;
2. Intelligent multi-channel inspection display: D760, 2 units;
3. Voltmeter: pointer voltmeter. 69L17, equipped with electric heating preheater, 1 set.
5. CO medium and low temperature transformation reaction tr*ning device actuator:
1. Thyristor phase-shifting voltage regulator: LSA-TH3P15Y single-phase voltage input, 0~380V adjustable, control signal 4~20mA, 3 units, medium and low variable Reactor heating control actuator;
2. SCR phase-shift voltage regulator: LSA-TH3P15Y single-phase voltage input, 0~380V adjustable, control signal 4~20mA, 3 units, thermal oil furnace heating control actuator.
6. Intelligent instrument electrical control box and computer control console:
Intelligent instrument electrical control box: including instruments and switch positions, with leakage protection *r switches and current-type leakage protectors installed inside to fully consider personal safety protection; at the same time, each group of strong current output All have knob switch controls to ensure equipment safety and convenient operation and control; equipped with phase-separated indicator lights, switching power supplies, contactors, solid-state relays, self-locking switches, plastic copper wires, rubber sheathed wires, shielded wires, aluminum alloy wire troughs, etc. .
7. On-site intelligent instrument computer control system:
Operator station upper monitoring computer: Brand computer: dual-core 3.0G, memory 4G, hard disk 1T, mouse, keyboard, 3-year warranty, monitor: 19" LCD, Windows operating system, National Alliance Guaranteed, 1 unit; communication network converter: RS485/232 communication converter, 1 unit.
8. Intelligent instrument upper monitoring software:
MCGS industrial control configuration software: MCGS5.5 industrial control configuration software platform software, 1 set, upper monitoring software (Using industrial control configuration software as the platform software) 1 set; supporting experimental instruction book, 1 set.
 Mechanical tr*ning safety education virtual simulation software: This software is developed based on unity3d. The software adopts the form of three-dimensional roaming and can be controlled by keyboard and mouse. Controlling the direction of the camera, there are mechanical safety distance experiments, mechanical safety protection device experiments, and basic mechanical safety protection design assessments. When the experiment is in progress, the three-dimensional roaming screen uses arrows and footprints to prompt you to move to the experimental location. The circle around the mechanical object shows the working radius. , the experiment process is accompanied by a dialog box reminder of the three-dimensional robot.
A. The mechanical safety distance experiment includes a safety distance experiment to prevent the upper and lower limbs from touching the danger zone (divided into two types of fence heights and opening sizes). After selecting to enter, GB23821 will pop up in front of the camera. - 2009 "Machinery Safety Prevents Upper and Lower Limbs from Touching the Danger Zone at a Safe Distance" requires, error demonstration: The experimental process is that after the human body enters the working radius of the mechanical object and is injured, the red picture and voice reminder receive the mechanical injury, and return to the original position and perform The next experiment, the last step is the correct approach.
B. Mechanical safety protection device experiments are divided into safety interlock switch, safety light curt*n, safety mat, safety laser scanner and other protection device experiments, optional categories (safety input, safety control, Safety output, others), manufacturer, product list (safety interlock switch, safety light curt*n, safety mat, safety laser scanner, safety controller, safety relay, safety guardr*l) There is a blue flashing frame reminder at the installation location, experiment. Process: Select the safety guardr*l and install it, select the safety interlock switch (or select the safety light curt*n, safety mat, safety laser scanner) and install it, select the safety controller and install it toElectrical control box, select the safety relay and install it to the electrical control box, click the start button on the electrical control box. If you enter a dangerous area, the system will sound an alarm and the mechanical object will stop working. Select the reset button on the electrical control box to stop.
C. The basic assessment of mechanical safety protection design requires the completion of the installation of the mechanical safety system, and the correct installation of safety guardr*ls, safety interlock switches, safety light curt*ns, safety mats, safety laser scanners, safety controllers, safety relays, 24V power supplies, signal lights and Emergency stop button, the assessment is divided into ten assessment points. Some assessment points have 3 options, which are freely chosen by the students. After selecting the final 10 assessment points, submit for confirmation, and the system will automatically obt*n the total score and the score of each assessment point. .
D. The software must be on the same platform as a whole and cannot be displayed as separate resources.
At the same time, the VR installation package of this software is provided to customers to facilitate users to expand into VR experiments. VR equipment and software installation and debugging are not required.

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